You have to get this right!
We've been running Google Ads to help teenagers with job searches on our American Youth Council website https://americanyouthcouncil.com/teen-jobs
We've seen a LOT of activity on that page, particularly with the Indeed job search widget, with almost 100 teens a day using it. So we're happy that we're able to help people in that way, particularly since it's not easy understanding how teens can get a job, what jobs they can do, and the legal issues. We've got some helpful tip sheets related to these things on that page as well.
Most teens (and their parents too) probably don't know that you can have a really great resume as a teenager. Everything that a teen does, from helping with younger siblings to mowing a neighbor's lawn, demonstrates really valuable skills that are important to employers.
The tricky bit is in capturing it all on a resume that highlights all the great personal and professional attributes that a teen job applicant has.
We came across a really great article on WikiHow that has every single thing a teen needs to do to write a great resume, and more. It's co-authored by life and career coach Shannon O'Brien whose company WholeU, helps people develop the ideal job, professional interests and setting up career planning. Her site is www.wholeu.info.
The resume for teens article is here: